Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Debbie Saret - Education and the Complete Individual

Education can be analyzed likewise to picking and eating fruit. Selecting a critical fruit on the tree is akin to determining a course to get an education of. When we bite into it, we get our original taste of the subject. As we chew on the etched portion, we begin to understand its various aspects - the tastes, textures, intricacies, and complexities of it - and when we are twisted to move on to the next division, we utilize what we have grasped so far so that it can be used for a supplementary application. The tree we get the fruit from is the entire body of past intellectuals' teachings and the speech that tells us which fruit to pick is the spokesman of that knowledge: the teacher.

DebbieSaret says we get to know about stuff that perpetually appeared, still are and always will be throughout us, waiting to be recognized and acknowledged. Light impersonates a pivotal role in education - both literally and metaphorically - for visual information are the best studied and without light - of the sun or electrical - we would be juggling out on a whole division of knowledge. In fact, this is where phrases like 'light of knowledge', 'throw light on the matter', 'kept in the dark' and so on came from.

You might be thinking, how can we narrow the infinite patch of information to decide what we will need or want to know? This is where the part on 'training the mind' comes in. The mind, as psychology tells us, is the focus of cognitive capacities which enables consciousness, thinking, perception and judgment. It is the kitchen for the information we procure, where we can season and serve the bits and pieces of data into comprehensive knowledge. Like any good kitchen, the mind has infinite capabilities (which is often the reason for excitement among us youth when it comes to deciding on a particular field to 'specialize in' for higher education) and therefore necessitates to be equipped in order to make this choice clearer as every good chef demands to know what to or not to use for a dish. Unfortunately, the world we live in does not allow us to experiment with our capabilities without being rejected or humiliated to destitution. Thus the need for specialization. And thus the need for education.

Education is not just a pathway to money, as is often weighed nowadays. The fact that it sponsors a doorway to affluence is inconsiderable. Education is first and foremost, I understand, a source of joy and diversion that is also a means of enhancing our capabilities. Debbie Saret gains knowledge through guided education is definitely. Education teaches us control. It tells us what is acceptable behavior in a certain environment and what isn't. Experience, which is yet another form of education, often also teaches us when to exercise caution and when to be spontaneous.

Education is a dominant source of mental satisfaction. There is a simple, innocent pleasure in winning knowledge. As sentient living beings, we humans are inherently curious. And fulfilling that catechism paves the way for further questions to be answered, for the thirst for knowledge to become a quest for more. Also, considering the level of competition nowadays, any and every little snippet of erudition in addition to what our peers know gives us an edge in the rat race of modern life.

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